
Can't add a field anymore

glazweb 29 Jan, 2019
I'm trying to add a field to a simple form (basically a checkbox or some html), but after saving, the new field is not displayed in the form (Test form button or live site).
I can't even change the label of the "Submit" button !.. No active cache.
I had a problem on a big form, in november. I still can't load the form in back-office :
Don't know if both bugs work together ???

J! 3.9.1 and Chronoforms 5.0.17

Thank you for your help.
healyhatman 29 Jan, 2019
Any errors in the javascript console?
glazweb 31 Jan, 2019
There is just this warning : Une chaîne vide a été transmise à « getElementById() ».
Personal translation : an empty string has been passed to « getElementById() ».

But never mind : I will use Chronoforms V6 instead.
Thank your for answering
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