
How to get a Submit and and Reset button in (hor) line

SPABO 26 Nov, 2018
Basic question I suppose, but how to get a Submit and and Reset button in (hor) line?
GreyHead 28 Nov, 2018

The Multi field area element lets you put multiple elements in a line.

SPABO 28 Nov, 2018
Hi Bob,
I was "away" too simple it could be!! Thanks (sofar)

But, when I click the RESET button, all the fields get the error-message ""This Field is Requierd""
Would it be possible to blank all the fields, without getting those notifications?

Look forward hearing from yoy soon,
Rgds Kees
SPABO 03 Dec, 2018
Hi Bob,
Pls could you have a look at this?
But, when I click the RESET button, all the fields get the validation/error-message ""This Field is Requierd""
Would it be possible to blank all the fields, without getting those notifications?


Thanks in advance
Rgds Kees
healyhatman 03 Dec, 2018
You'll probably just have to stop the other listeners on the reset button from being called in turn.
SPABO 04 Dec, 2018
Okay, so it's not standard in CF5.
Thanks anyway
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