
It's possible to enable a separate cache of Chronoforms?

Fritz 16 Jun, 2018
Some time ago, in the earlier versions of chronoform, it was possible to enable a separate cache in the component settings. In the last version 6 I can't find this setting. I have a compatibility issue (with the joomla cache when using the css style) generated by a Javascript (written by my programmer), and I was hoping to solve it by enabling the Chronoform cache.

...or maybe I'm wrong?

The problem is that the enabling of the Joomla cache will cause the losing from the Chronoform's style settings when the module is restarted the second time.
At first launcing, after deletion of the Joomla Cache, the form will be displayed correct. On the next calls, however, the Chronoforms module loses its style settings.

If the Joomla cache is disabled, the module will work properly without losing its settings.
Fritz 16 Jun, 2018
I found the solution to isolate the chronoforms modules cache.

I used the ChronoForms6 module and disabled here the use of the cache (see screenshots), instead leaving the joomla cache enabled. In this way the chronoforms modules do not lose their css style settings.

Fritz 26 Jun, 2018
I solved this problem by leaving the Joomla cache enabled and disabling the cache (no cache) in the advanced properties in mod_chronoforms6 module.
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