
Are the manuals and FAQs messy or is it me?

Seblon78 27 May, 2018
Hi guys!
I'm currently trying out the free version of Chronoforms v6 and I must say it looked very promising, until I started working with it that is. I really don't believe the problem lies within the application itself but rather with the support material, such as manuals etc.
I'm trying to follow the "How-to" in this forum thread ( ) but I just can't wrap my head around it!
My form doesn't work after following the guide and I absolutely do not understand what or why I must do certain things, because the guide doesn't always tell me about all the whys, hows and whats .

If I am going to put my money into something like this I want access to guiding material that are easy to find, clear, thorough and last but not least updated.
Example: To me it's not clear if the chapter #MULTI PAGE ACTION inside the manual consist of the sentence "You can have multi page forms in Chronoforms v6 using the “Multi page” action." and nothing more OR if everything after also deals with the subject?

And if that's true, then I miss a clear and straight forward explanation of how to create a basic multi page form! Why not make a guide numbered from 1 to ...whatever is needed, let's say 20, with clear and basic steps on how to accomplish just that?

I'm sorry guys but I think that no matter how brilliant your application is, it's never that brilliant without the proper documentation, explaning - in detail - how stuff is done.

Sorry for the harsh words.

Max_admin 08 Jun, 2018
Hi Seb,

Thank you for your notes and apologizes for the late reply!

Updating the docs is on our todo list, we are also planning to have some videos, but for the time being you better check the manual which is available for download on the Chronoforms6 "Downloads" page.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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