
Unable to Restore Forms

directivemsp 28 Oct, 2015

When I download the forms from one website and then try to restore them to another website I receive the following error (see screenshot: ) and after checking in with my Server Administrator I know that there is no isse with the server and that we haven't lost any connection to it. What else could be causing this error?

GreyHead 28 Oct, 2015
Hi Donna,

Not something that I have seen before. Do you see anything useful if you click the Diagnose Errors button?

directivemsp 28 Oct, 2015
Hi GreyHead,

Nope, here is a screenshot of what the Diagnose Errors button does for me

GreyHead 28 Oct, 2015
Hi Donna,

Ah, OK - not helpful, if you like you can send me the backup file and I'll see if they will restore on my test site. That doesn't directly help you. You can PM me a download link or upload it here - in Private tags if you prefer.

directivemsp 28 Oct, 2015
Hi Bob,

Here is the backup file.

Thanks a ton for all the help so far!

GreyHead 29 Oct, 2015
Hi Donna,

They restored OK - you can see one of them here (the others are still unpublished). I suspect a server limit. Please try with just one form in a backup and see if that restores OK.

directivemsp 29 Oct, 2015
Alright I'll give that a try! Thanks a ton for all your help Bob! 😀
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