
Required Fields not working

stuee1 21 Oct, 2015
Ive been using the forms for a little while and have a about 5 items that i require to be needed, i choose the box for required but it only works for a couple of items and not the email and dates?

Is there something im missing or i can try.

GreyHead 21 Oct, 2015
Hi Stu,

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

stuee1 21 Oct, 2015

they should all have the star for the required field as its selected in the setup.

GreyHead 22 Oct, 2015
Hi Stu,

I can see that you have the 'number' and 'email' validations selected but from the front-end it looks as though 'required' is not set. Please double-check. If 'required' is selected please take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager and post it here and I'll take a closer look.

stuee1 22 Oct, 2015
Here is the file backup.
Like i mentioned in the settings it says enabled for required but its not working in the form, ive tried deleting all cache etc and still nothing.

I hope you spot somthing. Cheers
GreyHead 22 Oct, 2015
Hi Stu,

On the Code tab you have the Form Type set to Custom Code so changes in the Designer tab have no effect. Please change that back to Wizard Designer.

You should also remove the space from the ID in the Enquiry Type element.

stuee1 22 Oct, 2015
i think i set on custom so the email i get have the date (and i wanted sender name) in the subject line but only got the date.
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