How can I use 'star ratings' in my CFv5 form?


Star ratings replace a set of radio buttons with star images so the user can select 1 star, 2 stars, etc. typically these are used in 'review' or 'rating' forms.

There are several jQuery plug-ins that will let you add stars to reviews. I used the fyneworks Star Rating plug-in available here

1. Download the fyneworks Star Rating package, unzip it and copy the contents to a new  /components/com_chronoforms5/extras/fyneworks-star-rating folder on your site. You should also copy the index.html file from one of the other folders into the new folders. 

2. In your form add this PHP to a Custom Code action in the On Load event:

$doc = JFactory::getDocument();

This will include the JavaScript and CSS files when the page loads.

3. Add a Radio Button element to your form in the Designer tab and set the Options with no text e.g.:


Set the Radio Button layout to Horizontal and add star to the Class box.

4. Test your form, it should now include an element looking like this:

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