Custom File upload with Repeater and uploaded filenames saved in DB as separate rows.

With thanks to user Elitakey:
Max has created an automatic file upload that saves all the uploaded filenames in json format with Repeater;
Sometimes there is a need to have custom filenames, paths, etc.
To have that you should disable all the built-in file upload features in the form:
Custom File upload with Repeater and filenames saved in DB as separate rows.
(Chronoforms6 version 6.1.4, June 2019)

I = Switch off "Upload files" in Settings tab;

II = Set up View:

  1. Add "Repeater area";

  2. Set up "Repeater area":
    1) Data provider: 1 or leave blank;
    2) Keys provider: 1 ;
    3) Model: Submission (any name you prefer);
    4) Enable content multiplier ? : Yes

  3. Add "file field";

  4. Set up "file field":
    1) Name: photo (or any name you prefer);
    2) ID: photo

  5. Add button Remove in Repeater "body" area:
    1) Add button;
    2) Type: Repeater Remove

  6. Add button ADD in Repeater "footer" area:
    1) Add button;
    2) Type: Repeater Add;

III = Set up Actions on Submit:

  1. Add action "Upload files" ;

  2. Set up action "Upload files":
    1) Disable "Auto Upload file fields"
    2) Add Custom Files config
      Model.[n].name:jpg,jpeg,png,gif,pdf,doc,docx,txt,zip - your preferred allowed extensions
      Example: Submission.[n].photo:jpg,jpeg,png
    3) Add data in "File name provider" or leave blank;
      Example: {date:YHis}_{data:fieldname}_{var:upload9.file.name}.{var:upload9.file.extension}
    4) Alter Upload directory path or leave unchanged;
        {path:root}/uploads/{date:Y} - saves file in the folder of current year;
IV = To save uploaded files in separate rows in DB:

  1. Add action "Loop event";

  2. Set up action "Loop event"
    1) Data provider: {data:Model} Example: {data:Submission};
    2) Keys provider: {var:area_repeater#.key}
    3) Switch on toggle "Return the result as var?";

  3. Add action "Save Data";

  4. Set up Action "Save Data":
    1) Switch off toggles
      "Auto manage the data table"
      "Auto save fields"
    2) Choose the Database table;
    3) Add data provider: {var:loop_event#.row}

  5. Add necessary fields in "Data overrides" tables:
      1) table field name:value where value will be as follows: {var:loop_event#.row.uploadfilefieldname}
        Example: photo:{var:loop_event7.row.photo}