Building complex db queries using the GCore framework


In the example below we show how you can build a complex SELECT statement with 1 table JOIN, we use Joomla's core content and users tables to retrieve the results we need:

\GCore\Libs\Model::generateModel('User', array(
	'tablename' => '#__users',
\GCore\Libs\Model::generateModel('Article', array(
	'tablename' => '#__content',
$Article = \GCore\Models\Article::getInstance();
$Article->bindModels('belongsTo', array(
	'User' => array(
		'className' => '\GCore\Models\User',
		'foreignKey' => 'created_by',
		'join_conditions' => array('User.id = Article.created_by'),
//the next lines will return both articles data and their authors data
//$articles = $Article->find('all'); //find all articles
//$articles = $Article->find('count'); // get articles count
$articles = $Article->find('all', array('order' => array('Article.id'), 'conditions' => array('Article.state' => 1), 'limit' => 5)); // customize your query
pr($articles); // display some output